Go Ape Brand Identity

Strategy, Design & Tone of Voice

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Living life adventurously

Go Ape is the UK’s number one forest adventure company, found in 34 fantastic locations across the country. Their mission is to encourage people to live life adventurously by challenging, exciting and surprising them, their friends and their families.

Our mission was to create a new brand identity for Go Ape that would appeal to younger adults and new customers without alienating its core family audience.

From the very beginning, we set out to rebel against the current design trend for stripped back, simplified brand assets. We created a distinctive and characterful identity to embody the bold, fun and adventurous personality of Go Ape.


The go-anywhere logo

The main logo has been designed to work everywhere in an easygoing sticker style that suits any background, light or dark. No more having to choose between positive and negative versions.

A stencil for all seasons

This version of the logo was built to buddy up with photography. It frames the excitement and adventure of the outdoors, no matter the time of year.


Monkeyed monikers

Part of our brief was to explore how naming conventions could evolve to change the perception of the brand. We renamed the main courses ‘Treetop Challenge’ to delineate them from the more family oriented ‘Treetop Adventure’ — and gave all the younger activities the ‘Adventure’ moniker to distinguish them further.

We created monkey icons to help adults navigate the course difficulty/scare levels, easing pressure on customer services teams and helping customers make more informed decisions on which sites to visit.

“Friendly Giants really took the time to get to know our brand ... when they proposed the creative changes it came from a place of strategic understanding of where we are now versus where we want to be.”

— Jo O’Boyle, Head of Marketing
